Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Expressing about Warnings (Ungkapan tentang Peringatan)

Ungkapan Peringatan
·         I wouldn't buy a computer from that store if i were you
·         I don't think you should go to that party.
·         Don't touch those glasses.
·         You musn't leave your town.
·         I warn you!
·         Be careful!
·         Watch out!
·         Mind the slippery road!
·         Look out!
·         If you disturbed your sister, you would make her angry.

·         Thanks for telling me.
·         Is that so?
·         I didn't know that
·         That won't put me off.
·         You're probably right.

Asking for Opinion & Giving opinion ( Ungkapan Meminta Pendapat & Memberikan Pendapat)

Ungkapan Meminta Pendapat
·         What do you think about...?
·         What do you think of...?
·         What is your opinion about...?

Memberikan Pendapat
·         I think that...
·         I belive that...
·         I feel that..
·         In my opinion...
·         It seems to me that...

Inviting Someone (Ungkapan Mengundang Seseorang)

Ungkapan mengajak/mengundang (inviting) digunakan untuk mengajak seseorang utnuk melakukan sesuatu/mengundang seseorang kesuatu tempat atau kegiatan.
Ungkapan ajakan umumnya dinyatakan dengan:
            Let's + be + adj
            Let's + V base + N
·         Let's speak english!
·         Let's sing a song!
·         Let's be happy!
·         Let's be smart!

Ungkapan ajakan/undangan dapat juga disertai dengan bentuk penegasan (question tag)
·         Ria : Let's go to the beach, shall we?
Nila : that's good idea.
·         Indah : Let's be happy, shall we?
Tia : All right.

Ungkapan mengundang dapat juga seperti berikut:
·         I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.
·         Can you drop by my house after school?
·         Would you like to attend the meeting?
·         I wonder if you'd like to come to my wedding party

Berikut adalah respons ajakan/undangan
Menerima (Accepting)
·         All right.
·         I'd love to.
·         I'd be happy/glad to accept.
·         Yes, i'd be delighted to.
·         Yes, that would be nice.

Menolak (Declining)
·         I am sorry i can't.
·         I'd like to, but...
·         I am affraid i can't.
·         No, let's not do it.
·         I'd like to, but i can't.
·         I'm affraid i'm buy.
·         Sorry, I have to see the doctor.

Expressing Likes & Dislikes (Ungkapan Suka & Tidak Suka)

Beberapa kata/frasa yang menunjukan suka (like) dan tidak suka (dislike) sebagai berikut:
·         Don't mind
·         Like, (be) fond of, (be) keen on
·         Love, (be) crazy about, (be) mad about, (be) a great fan of
·         Adore

·         Can't stand, can't bear, detest
·         Hate
·         Dislike

Ungkapan Suka
·         We don't mind waiting for you here.
·         I like grapes and apples.
·         I love singing. I do it every day.
·         I adore Tom Cruise as my favourite actor.

Ungkapan Tidak Suka
·         We can't stand out boss. He is arrogant.
·         I hate a careless man who often does some mistakes.
·         I dislike watching a war movie.

Expressing Sympathy (Ungkapan Simpati)

Ungkapan rasa simpati (expressing sypathy) digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa simpati kepada seseorang atas suatu kejadian, baik kabar menggembirakan atau tidak.
Ungkapan simpati terhadap sesuatu yang menyenangkan
·         I'm (very) glad to hear that!
·         Nice to hear that
·         I'm happy for you then.
·         Great!
·         Fantastic!
·         How exciting!

Ungkapan simpati terhadap sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan
·         I am (very) sorry to hear that.
·         Please accept my condolences.
·         I know how you feel.
·         You must be very Upset
·         Oh, poor jane. What happened to her?
·         How awful!
·         That's too bad.
·         How terrible!

Untuk merespon ungkapan simpati, kita dapat mengucapkan kalimat berikut.
·         Thanks./Thank you.
·         Right.
·         You're right.
·         That's right.

Expressing an Agreement/Disagreement (Ungkapan Persetujuan/Ketidaksetujuan)

Ungkapan Setuju (Agreeing)
·         I agree with your opinion.
·         I can go along with that.
·         I think so.
·         That's what i want to say.
·         I am with you./I am on your/his side.
·         I buy that idea./I like your idea.

Ungkapan Tidak Setuju (Disagreeing)
·         I disagree with you./I am not with you.
·         I can't go along with you.
·         I don't  think so.
·         I wouldn't say that.
·         No, I don't like the idea.

Expressing Pleasure/Displeasure (Ungkapan Kesenangan/Ketidaksenangan)

Ungkapan Kesenangan (Pleasure)
·         I'm so happy hearing the news.
·         I feel delighted/excited.
·         How happy to meet you here.
·         I'm very pleased with the services.
·         It's a pleasure to be with you again.

Ungkapan Ketidaksenangan (Displeasure)
·         I feel bad about this.
·         I'm really sad to see the situation.
·         The customers feel unpleased with the restaurant's services.
·         The jokes didn't make me happy at all.

Offering Services/Help (Ungkapan Penawaran Jasa/Bantuan)

Ungkapan penawaran jasa/bantuan digunakan untuk menawarkan jasa atau bantuan kepada orang lain.
·         What can i do for you?
·         Can i help you?
·         Can i do something for you?
·         Do you want something to eat?
·         Shall i get you something to read?

Ungkapan untuk merespon pemberian jasa/bantuan adalah menerima atau menolaknya.
Menerima Jasa/Bantuan
·         Thank you.
·         That's very kind of you.
·         (oh) yes, please.
·         Thank you very much.
·         Lovely.

Menolak Jasa/Bantuan
·         No, thank you.
·         That's very kind of you but ...
·         Thank you for offering, but...
·         No, it's all right, really.
·         No, really, I can mannage (thanks)

Expressing an Apology (Ungkapan Permintaan Maaf)

Ungkapan permintaan maaf digunakan untuk menyatakan maaf atas sesuatu kesalahan.
Ungkapan Minta Maaf (Apologizing)
·         Sorry, i could not visit you yesterday.
·         I'm very sorry for my mistake.
·         We apologize for our late arrival
·         Sony really must apologize for disturbing my weekend.
·         I am really sorry about that.

·         It's all right.
·         Never mind.
·         No Problem.
·         Forget it.
·         No worry.
Take it easy.

Expressing Capability/Incapabilyty (Ungkapan Kemampuan/Ketidakmampuan)

Capability artinya kemampuan dalam melakukan suatu hal.
Capable artinya mempunyai kemampuan (an adjective of persons).
Incapable berarti tidak dapat/tidak mampu, tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Ungkapan Kemampuan (Capability)
·         Although my father is 56 years old, he is still capable of driving ship well.
·         The situation is capable of improvement.
·         They think i have the qualification needed for this job.
·         Andi is able to draw anything well.

Ungkapan Ketidakmampuan (Incapbility)
·         You don't know anything about making a good writing.
·         I don't thing you have the ablility to do this work.
·         They are not able to play basketball well.
·         I am incapable of speaking Spanish.
·         The girl knows nothing about chemistry.

Expressing Pride (Ungkapan Rasa Bangga)

·         I am very proud of you. You are the winner of Indonesian Idol.
·         I feel proud of my sister. She is one of candidates in Mathematic Olympiad.