Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Expressing Capability/Incapabilyty (Ungkapan Kemampuan/Ketidakmampuan)

Capability artinya kemampuan dalam melakukan suatu hal.
Capable artinya mempunyai kemampuan (an adjective of persons).
Incapable berarti tidak dapat/tidak mampu, tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Ungkapan Kemampuan (Capability)
·         Although my father is 56 years old, he is still capable of driving ship well.
·         The situation is capable of improvement.
·         They think i have the qualification needed for this job.
·         Andi is able to draw anything well.

Ungkapan Ketidakmampuan (Incapbility)
·         You don't know anything about making a good writing.
·         I don't thing you have the ablility to do this work.
·         They are not able to play basketball well.
·         I am incapable of speaking Spanish.
·         The girl knows nothing about chemistry.

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