Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Inviting Someone (Ungkapan Mengundang Seseorang)

Ungkapan mengajak/mengundang (inviting) digunakan untuk mengajak seseorang utnuk melakukan sesuatu/mengundang seseorang kesuatu tempat atau kegiatan.
Ungkapan ajakan umumnya dinyatakan dengan:
            Let's + be + adj
            Let's + V base + N
·         Let's speak english!
·         Let's sing a song!
·         Let's be happy!
·         Let's be smart!

Ungkapan ajakan/undangan dapat juga disertai dengan bentuk penegasan (question tag)
·         Ria : Let's go to the beach, shall we?
Nila : that's good idea.
·         Indah : Let's be happy, shall we?
Tia : All right.

Ungkapan mengundang dapat juga seperti berikut:
·         I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.
·         Can you drop by my house after school?
·         Would you like to attend the meeting?
·         I wonder if you'd like to come to my wedding party

Berikut adalah respons ajakan/undangan
Menerima (Accepting)
·         All right.
·         I'd love to.
·         I'd be happy/glad to accept.
·         Yes, i'd be delighted to.
·         Yes, that would be nice.

Menolak (Declining)
·         I am sorry i can't.
·         I'd like to, but...
·         I am affraid i can't.
·         No, let's not do it.
·         I'd like to, but i can't.
·         I'm affraid i'm buy.
·         Sorry, I have to see the doctor.

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